Fixed prosthodontics 3

The study program in fixed prosthodontics 3 provides students with biomedical and technological knowledge and skills in fixed prosthodontics, which are the basis for clinical work in the therapy of lost functional crowns, teeth of fully or partially edentulous jaws. Through the implementation of this program, the students' ability to analyze the existing condition and choose the best possible therapy, e.g. combined works, modified crowns with or without attachments, all-ceramic bridges, based on an interdisciplinary approach to each clinical case and including the prosthetic aspect of implant therapy, is promoted. receive a basic orientation in the prophylaxis and therapy of the stomatognathic system, which will maintain or establish the oral health of people of different generations and cultures, depending on their socioeconomic status.

Rules of good clinical practice in fixed prosthetics and an interdisciplinary approach. The process of fabricating a complete fixed prosthetic restoration, diagnostic modeling in wax, provisional construction, permanent construction, restoration of malocclusion and bite elevation. Implant prosthetic restoration. Repetition of doctrinal positions of fixed prosthetic restoration and rehabilitation. Clinical implementation of the theoretical knowledge

Required course materials:

  1. Ćatović A i sur. Klinička fiksna protetika. Zagreb: Stomatološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu; 1999. 
  2. Shillinbgburg T, Hobo S, Whisett L, Jacobi R. Osnove fiksne protetike. Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc.; 2008. 
  3. Uhač I. Potpune krunice – Osnove brušenja, Autorizirano predavanje; 2011.
  4. Uhač I. Estetske fiksnoprotetske rekonstrukcije – Klinički i laboratorijski pristup. Autorizirano predavanje; 2011.

Supplemental course materials:

  1. Rosenstiel SF, Land MF, Fujimoto J. Contemporary fixed prosthodontics, 4th ed. Odabrana poglavlja. St. Louis: Mosby Inc.; 2006. 
  2. Živko-Babić J, Jerolimov V. Metali u stomatološkoj protetici. Odabrana poglavlja. Zagreb : Školska knjiga; 2005. 
  3. Jerolimov V i sur. Stomatološki materijali. Zagreb : Stomatološki fakultet; 2005. ( Odabrana poglavlja.

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. To determine the procedures for making fixed prosthetic replacements in the dental laboratory;

2. To determine the theoretical settings and indications for fixed-prosthetic therapy

3. Create the communication skills needed to work in the dental team and the patient and his family;

4. Identify the need for interdisciplinary cooperation with physicians of different specialties in order to supply

complex cases of oral rehabilitation;

5. Perform grinding for all types of complete crowns and upgrades on the patient;

6. Take fingerprints of brushed teeth on the patient;

7. Evaluate the indications and fabrication of fixed prosthetic replacements on implants

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